Parenting Plight #3: Laundry

Everyone does it. Whether they do it at home, out in public with the masses of other people doing it, or downstairs in the basement of their apartment complex, we all do it. Yep. Laundry. In our home, this chore can quickly become the bane of our very existence. For one, neither Hubby nor I are very good at it. Yes, we understand the mechanics. Yes, we can do each step involved in the process correctly. However, we aren’t great at completing all the steps in a reasonable amount of time. Hubby packs the washer, but the clothes don’t usually get into the dryer. I pack the washer, move them to the dryer, and even get them out onto the guest bed (Official Hsu House Laundry Station), but I very rarely fold them. I walk downstairs to the guest room to find my underwear, my favorite jeans, or the kids’ pajamas on a regular basis.

Joseph atop the aptly named "Laundry Mountain"
Joseph atop the aptly named “Laundry Mountain”

So Hubby and I created (on the spot, of course, because we are he is super witty) a little thing we call “Laundry Blitz”. It’s when we put on some music or a movie on the laptop, and wash/dry/fold as many clothes as we possibly can. Sometimes, if things aren’t that bad, it takes us about 30 minutes to get everything folded, separated into the room it should be taken, to put away. Every once in a while Once a month or so, it’s so bad that it takes the two of us a couple of hours (or several shorter sessions) to get everything done. More often than that, I bring up a basket of clean clothes, and never put them away. Then, you guessed it. Those baskets sit until we’ve worn all the clothes in them and they go back downstairs to be loaded again.

I know we have four people, but we all wear more than one outfit a day pretty often, especially the kids, and theirs aren’t often re-wearable. Does anyone else have this problem? Anyone have any great ideas about how to tackle and keep track of the laundry situation?

EDIT 07-02-14: A friend sent me this pic, and I had to add it! Enjoy the irony.

2 thoughts on “Parenting Plight #3: Laundry”

  1. Whitney, first off congrats on having the courage to quit teaching and be full time at home now. What an exciting venture… I have alot of catching up to do on your blog Haha. But can totally relate to the laundry situation. We are NEVER on top of it. I hate! folding little baby items and those stupid baby socks are always getting lost! Lately I’ve skipped the folding process and brought baskets of clean laundry and stuffed those onesies and knit pants into their drawers. I mean is anyone noticing wrinkles on a 16 month old’s shirt? Looking forward to getting together


    1. Erica, I’m SO GLAD to hear you say you don’t fold that stuff… I definitely put most stuff – pants and pjs especially – right in the bins (we have those little cube things with fabric drawers) instead of folding them nicely. Sheesh. Who cares? And yes, let’s do get together! For a run or a coffee 🙂


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