Things Toddlers Say 

Hi there! I hope everyone has had a great week! I can’t believe it’s AUGUST! It’s been too cool around here to believe it’s actually the hottest month of the year. Anyway, here are some funnies for ya!

J: You know why I kissed you?
Me: Why bud?
J: Because everything changes when I kiss you!

J: Mom, can I have a fruit snack?
*running feet*
D: Mom! I wan’ fuit sna!

Scenario: I’m standing in the kitchen next to the trash can, and J is eating a Babybel in the next room.
J walks up to me and holds his hand out: Mom, can you throw ’tis trash in the trash can?
Me: *looks from J to the trash can one foot away* Can you throw the trash in the trash can?

Science bomb…
J: The truest question is that girls don’t have hineys.
Me: Um. What?

J: Dad, after my nap can I have cookies?
Hubby: You mean the Oreos?
J: No! The ones that are black on the top, and black on the bottom and white in the middle!
Hubby: …those are Oreos…

EK: Let’s watch a mermaid movie… but not The Little Mermaid.
J: So you mean the big mermaid?

What are your kids talking about these days?

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