
Hey everyone! I managed to remember today was Monday, so here I am with my edition of Currently! I’m linking up as always with Becky at Choose Happy, and also the August link up at Gold & Bloom on Wednesday! Join us to share what’s going on with you currently!!

Working || in the garden! I’ve slacked off a little (I mean I just had a baby) but the garden grows on! The kids got outside with us this morning to do some pruning and picking. They love it!


That orange cherry tomato is officially my new favorite color.  

Attending || Vacation Bible School this week. Last night was the first night, and I must say, my kids did well considering it ended at their bedtime. I was afraid of meltdown city, but it ended up that they got to bed late, then slept late. I guess I’m fine with that!
Excited about || the amount of sleep we got last night! D slept from about 2-8am, and I feel like a new person! I’m not foolish enough to think this is the new normal just yet, but I sure enjoyed it! Thanks, little guy!

Creating || some semblance of a schedule, hopefully to make last night’s six-hour stretch happen again. In trying to feed D every two hours, pretty much on the dot (or more often if he in hungry) to make sure he gets most of his calories during the day. It also helps him to not sleep as much during the day and sleep more at night. It worked alright for my first two, and hopefully in another week we will see some progress!

Watching || the Wet Hot American Summer series on Netflix! Hubby and I have long been lovers of the movie (and obviously the entire cast) so when the series hit Netflix, we got right on board. It’s a little strange, because it’s a prequel to the movie but everyone is obviously old(er), and I’m not sure if the plot is… existent… But we can’t not watch it, ya know? The actors jumped back into their characters pretty seamlessly, so that was nice.  


Well what else is going on? Anything new I should watch? Any tips on getting a 3yo, 19mo, and a newborn on schedules together? Yeah right, I know 🙂

5 thoughts on “Currently”

  1. YAY for sleep!!!!
    My kids love vacation bible school. Hope you are enjoying it too!

    Thank you so much for joining my Currently series this week! It was fun to hear about what you are Currently up to!! I hope you have an amazing weekend & Choose Happy! XOXO Becky

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