Things Toddlers Say 

Hi everyone, and happy Tuesday evening! It’s been a busy day at my house and so I’m a little late posting. Hope you’ve had a great start to your week! Here are our funnies!

J, walking into the room when he’s supposed to be napping: I need to tell you something.
Me: Is it the reason you aren’t napping?
J: No, it’s something else than that. *cue lame story*

J, giving me a compliment: Hey guess what. I love you even when you’re dead. *giggle*

J shoes me a map from his bible.
Me: What’s that a map of?
J: Jesus’s world. It’s been raining there for 3 or 4 or 5 days.

EK asking for Nilla Wafers: Can I have those anilla wipers?

EK after playing with D for half an hour: he’s figuring it out! I’m starting to like babies!

D, sitting in a big boy (regular) dining room chair: Don’t fall!

D, eating my butternut squash soup: Iss dewicious!
My new favorite child.

J: Hey guess what! D thinks the floor is sand! And he even thinks that salsa is a pillow!

D, bringing me pretend cake, singing: Happy to you, iss cake!

J: Hey, let’s pretend tooting is pooping and pooping is tooting!
Me: *eyeroll*

J, rushing up to me: Mom! I have a silly emergency!

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