Tag Archives: kids are funny

Things Toddlers Say

Happy Tuesday, and happy New Year! In honor of the first Tuesday of 2018, I’ve got a few really funny ones. Enjoy!

EK: Are you gonna have another baby?
Me: What makes you ask that?
EK: I just was thinking if you had four babies. Wait! What if you had a hundred and five babies?!?!
J: Phew. That’s a lot of babies to feed.
Me: My thoughts exactly.

J waking up on his birthday: Is it today?!
Me: Yes! Today you’re four!
J: Well, my hands still look three.

EK got a ballerina Barbie and a Wonder Woman doll at Christmas. I overheard her ask her cousin: Hey! Do you want to play super heroes save the ballerinas?

J: Do you know where my Iron Man is?
Me: No, buddy, I’m sorry.
J, cool as a cucumber: Oh well. Toys get lost very easily.

J with the charm: You sound like you’re stupid but I still love you, EK.

Clutching a dinosaur he put together, J: This dinosaur is my only friend.

D, on night three of a big boy bed: Okay, lay down!
Me: Yes, time to lay down. Good night, and I love you! (I head to close the door)D: Lub you, Mama. Good niiiiiiiight! (Out like a light 2 minutes later.)

J: Now that I’m four, I’m fifteen big!

D, while eating carrots: Carrots are like volcano!
Me: Mmm… yeahhhh… of course.

Have your kids had any funnies you can share?!

Things Toddlers Say

Hello and happy Tuesday! I hope y’all had a great Christmas, and are enjoying family, leftovers and new gifts today! Here are a few of our funnies from this past week… I tried to be phone-less pretty often, so I missed a few I’m sure. Enjoy!

EK real talk: I can’t stop drinking lemonade! Sugar is one of my favorite things in the world! But I also like the juicy part of a cucumber.

EK, trying to convince me to let her spend the night at someone’s house: But it’ll be so easier for you and Daddy to only have two kids!

J: I wanna resolution!
Hubby: What’s a resolution?
J: When you say something really funny, and then just fall down on the bed!

J: EK, I’m gonna come kiss you because I love you!
EK: *gasp* Germs!

J: You know what I want for my birthday? Something yellow, yellow, with boy colors, yellow, a yellow, a yellow…
Me: A yellow what, bud?
J: A watch! Because I don’t have one! And one time, Daddy let me wear his for a moment.

After reuniting with some friends we hadn’t seen in a while, EK: There’s too much missing going on here.

D: I want a banana!
Nana: What animal eats bananas?
D: …
Nana: Monkeys! What does a monkey say?

EK meeting new friends: They probably want to play with me because of my half braid.

Hope you and yours had a merry Christmas!!

Things Toddlers Say

Happy 6 days till Christmas! We’re excited at our house – how about you? Have a wonderful, restful, joyful week and enjoy our funnies!

J: Look what I made!
EK: That looks terrible.
Me: *side eye*
EK: I mean that looks great! I forgot what I was gonna say.

EK, singing: I wanna be a pretty butterfly, yeah! I wanna be another pretty butterfly!

EK: A friend in my class already has a phone! She’s six! And only in kindergarten! She even knows how to use it!

EK when I woke her up in the morning: Can I just have a few minutes to wake up? Like Dad?

J and EK drinking hot chocolate…
EK: Let’s pretend this is coffee!
J: How’s your coffee, Whit? (He’s pretending he is hubby and EK is me.)

EK being very silly and flouncing in a tutu (knee-deep in a Nutcracker obsession): Look at my girlgeous (as in “gorgeous”) butt!

D is convinced that this pink bear is a pig:

Hubby getting called out…
J: That light was red but you didn’t stop.
Hubby: Back seat drivers.

What are you funnies? I want to hear the hilarious things YOUR kids say!

Things Toddlers Say

Happy Tuesday! It’s Thanksgiving week, and we are ready to binge eat – how about you?! I hope you enjoy these funnies and have a great Turkey Day!

EK, standing between Hubby and me: Hug? Hug? Cuddle Huddle!

D handed me this (below), saying: Here’s a new book!(Hubby and I got a Vitamix for our Christmas present and this manual is still in the shrink wrap, hence it’s “new”.)

EK, shouting angrily to J: I get the purple, because purple is my favorite color! And you get the green because green is your favorite color! Agh!

EK was helping me sweep the floor.
J: EK! Come check out this spider web!
EK: I can’t right now. I’m really busy helping mom.
J: Come on, come see it under here!
EK: I know we’re best friends but I just can’t right now.

J, excitedly pointing to the toilet: Mom! Look how many pee bubbles there are!

EK, reading over my shoulder: You! Y-o-u! I saw it! My! The! No! I know those!

J: My nose is snotty. I’m sick. Do I have school today?
Me: You really fast-forwarded that sequence there.

D, while I’m holding him already: Moooooom, I wan’ ‘nuggle!!

I love recording little conversations between my older two kids, like the one at the top. Their relationship is getting more developed every day. What about you? What are your kids saying these days?

Things Toddlers Say 

Happy Tuesday!! I’ve been bouncing back and forth from the mountains to furniture market, so here are the snippets of humor I caught in between!! Enjoy!

J sharing knowledge: Have you ever seen a hamomy fish? It’s the most juiciest, colorfulest, and wettest fish of all time! And it can also change it size! And make apple trees!
Me: *not sure how to respond*

J when he’s mad at me: Well, maybe I don’t even want to snuggle you.

EK to me: You’re funny sometimes. Not a lot, but sometimes.

EK, upon seeing a cement truck printed with Stars and Stripes: its American day?! I didn’t know!

EK: It’s not good if you get colonies in your teeth.
Me: I think you mean cavities.

J’s newest thing is telling stories of when he was a baby. Such as: Did you know that when I was a baby, a tiny bear and a crawled up the back of my head?!?!

Me: Did you have fun with Necie and G-Daddy while I was gone?
EK: Yeah I did, but not too much, because I missed you.
Me: *heart eyes*

EK copying words from a book: I’m practicing my writing.
Me: That’s great! I can tell. Your letters are getting more clear!
EK: Yeah, and I’m building up my stamila.
Me: Your stamina?! Who taught you that word?!
EK: My teacher. (As in “Duh.”)

J, when asked to place napkins on the table:  I do that job at school for lots of different persons!

EK: Sometimes when you wake up, do your lips feel crunchy?

Hubby: Tell mom about your field trip!
EK: So, like… (I can’t hear anything else because I’m wondering how she learned “so like”.)

Well, that’s it for this week! What sillies have you heard from your kids recently?!

Things Toddlers Say 

Hi everyone, and happy Tuesday evening! It’s been a busy day at my house and so I’m a little late posting. Hope you’ve had a great start to your week! Here are our funnies!

J, walking into the room when he’s supposed to be napping: I need to tell you something.
Me: Is it the reason you aren’t napping?
J: No, it’s something else than that. *cue lame story*

J, giving me a compliment: Hey guess what. I love you even when you’re dead. *giggle*

J shoes me a map from his bible.
Me: What’s that a map of?
J: Jesus’s world. It’s been raining there for 3 or 4 or 5 days.

EK asking for Nilla Wafers: Can I have those anilla wipers?

EK after playing with D for half an hour: he’s figuring it out! I’m starting to like babies!

D, sitting in a big boy (regular) dining room chair: Don’t fall!

D, eating my butternut squash soup: Iss dewicious!
My new favorite child.

J: Hey guess what! D thinks the floor is sand! And he even thinks that salsa is a pillow!

D, bringing me pretend cake, singing: Happy to you, iss cake!

J: Hey, let’s pretend tooting is pooping and pooping is tooting!
Me: *eyeroll*

J, rushing up to me: Mom! I have a silly emergency!

Things Toddlers Say 

Happy Tuesday, y’all! I hope your last bit of summer is relaxing, as ours will hopefully be over the next two weeks. We are all done traveling for a while, thank goodness. Here are the week’s funnies!img_3843

EK: When we get inside, do you want me to tell you about the helmet of the armor of God?
J: No, I don’t wear helmets.

D, pointing to the cockatoo: I wan’ toggle cockadoodle!

EK: When I get to kindergarten, I gotta stop doing baby things, do my ABCs (she’s ticking these items off on her fingers as she lists), be nice to my brothers, do what I’m supposed to do… then I’ll be doing the kindergarten thing.
Me: You sure will!

D, about five times in a row, holding his hand out: Too so! Too so! Too so!
Me, finally figuring it out: Too slow! Oh!
He wanted to play the high five game: up high, down low, in the middle, too slow!

Watching Star Wars Episode II, and I’m reading the beginning aloud…
Me: …mysterious Count Dooku…
J: *snickering*
Me: …to help the overwhelmed Jedi…
J: Well that was a lot of words.

EK, trying to tell me about Amidala: I love Queen Mazilla.

EK: I shared my blueberries with J!
J: Yeah! I asked her for some and she thinked about it, and den she said yes!

D runs up in a hat…
J: Looks like pirate D is here.

EK planned Hubby and me a “date” and then asked us to dress appropriately (aka gave us heels and a tie, respectively).Then she took J on that same date.

EK: Can we stay up till bednight?
Me: Do you mean midnight?
J: There’s many scary creatures at the midnight in the darkness… like the uglyfish. And a stinky sock! And like a shrimp!

The other night, D spent five minutes holding up different colors blocks and shouting: “Mooooom! Mooooom! Blue? Mooooom! Mooooom! Geen?” (And so on.)
Then earlier today, he spent 5 minutes sitting still on his tricycle as I tried to read my book, screaming, “Moooooom!” until I looked at him. I’ve come to the conclusion he needs a lot of affirmation right now.

Well, what are you kids saying these days??

Things Toddlers Say 

Hi there! I hope everyone has had a great week! I can’t believe it’s AUGUST! It’s been too cool around here to believe it’s actually the hottest month of the year. Anyway, here are some funnies for ya!

J: You know why I kissed you?
Me: Why bud?
J: Because everything changes when I kiss you!

J: Mom, can I have a fruit snack?
*running feet*
D: Mom! I wan’ fuit sna!

Scenario: I’m standing in the kitchen next to the trash can, and J is eating a Babybel in the next room.
J walks up to me and holds his hand out: Mom, can you throw ’tis trash in the trash can?
Me: *looks from J to the trash can one foot away* Can you throw the trash in the trash can?

Science bomb…
J: The truest question is that girls don’t have hineys.
Me: Um. What?

J: Dad, after my nap can I have cookies?
Hubby: You mean the Oreos?
J: No! The ones that are black on the top, and black on the bottom and white in the middle!
Hubby: …those are Oreos…

EK: Let’s watch a mermaid movie… but not The Little Mermaid.
J: So you mean the big mermaid?

What are your kids talking about these days?

Things Toddlers Say 

Hellooooooo Tuesday! Last week was blissfully spent with very little social media and very much sunshine and sand… and now that I’m back, I didn’t write quite everything down. But I’ve got a few little nuggets of Toddler Truth for you. Enjoy!

Talking about the dentist… and changing minds…
J: I don’t really want to go.
EK: Well the last time I was there I got a new toothbrush and could pick my toothpaste!
J: Well I guess I could do that.
EK: Mom! J just changed his mind about he dentist! He said he didn’t want to go but now he’s kind of incited! He changed his mind! You know, the whole world can change sometimes.
Me: That got serious quickly.

My mom: Listen! It’s so cute the way he says this! J, what color is this?
J: Toyquoise. It’s light blue.

J, as we passed a bread truck, covered in pictures of different sweet breads: Is that a special treat truck? Can we go where it’s going?

Our babysitter: While you were at the beach, did you eat some seafood?
EK: Yeah, but I didn’t like the seafood. But they had hush puppies, and I was like, “Oh my gosh, they’re dying me!” And then I said, “I’m going to eat all that stuff!”
And me, overhearing it from the other room, dying laughing.

I’ve listened to EK say mermaid incorrectly for a long time now, and I finally realized what she was saying: mername.

J, watching the first 30 seconds of A Bug’s Life: This is my bothest part! My favoritest! I’m gonna die about this part!

D, asking for more noodles: Doddles! Doddles, peez! Mo’ doddles peez, mama!

J in his car seat: Ugh a bug! Shoo shoo shoo! You’re making me stupid, bug!

J and D’s new favorite song: “Trust In Me” from (the old cartoon movie) The Jungle Book. You know, the song that Kaa the snake sings? So J is into slithering around, singing, “Trusssssssssst in meeeeeee….”

J, when he knows he’s in trouble: When we get home, could I play for just a little bit tad?

Well what are your kids saying? Do they have songs they sing or things they quote that are funny?

Things Toddlers Say 

Happy Tuesday everyone! We’ve just completed a day full of yard work, and I’m feeling great about a little spruce up in our back yard. The kiddos are at preschool summer camp this week in the mornings, so we’ve been fairly productive with the two mornings we’ve had without them.

Here are a few funnies from the past week – hope you enjoy them!

That picture up there is an example of what EK asked the face painter at a birthday party to do. It’s a sunset with palm trees. In case you’re wondering.

EK: Will cherry juice stain your clothes?
Hubby: Yes
EK: Will it clean off in the washer machine?
Hubby: Maybe, but it’s extra work, and it still might not come off.
EK: Maybe you’ll just have to deal about it. Like my mom tells me when my toys break.
Hubby: *silence*

D, pointing at the TV: Mana! Mana!
Hubby: You want to watch Mary Poppins?
D: Mana! Mana! MANA!
Hubby: OH! Moana… You want to watch Moana?
D: Yeah!

J: My booboo’s getting very reddish and I need a bandaid!

EK, calling me out: Why do you always put your eyescara on in the car?

EK with some wisdom: I think you had me first, because you needed help, because D and J are hard.

J, stomping into our bedroom at 10pm: I just want to snuggle you!
Me: *giggling*
J: Laugh quietly because the baby is sleeping!

EK, when the three kids and I are all in the car: Where’s daddy?
Me: He’s at home.
EK: I bet he’s sad because he’s got no one to talk to.
Me: It sounds like you don’t know he’s an introvert.

What are your kiddos saying these days?