Tag Archives: pregnancy announcement

Pregnant With My Third! (Volume 4)

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Written at 8 weeks.

I have one word for y’all: headaches.

That’s been the story of my life this round. Exhaustion headaches, caffeine withdrawal headaches (guilty!), especially since new research has come out that argues even the previous “safe amount” of caffeine could be unhealthy for the baby, and I’ve tried to lay off of it completely. So that’s been a bummer. I’ve been squeezing in naps where I can, and taking the pregnancy-safe amount of Tylenol sometimes (I hate taking medicine) to just get through the afternoon/evening. And ready for a bit of TMI? A little pregnancy constipation has forced its way into my life. You’re welcome 🙂

In other news, I have finally shared the news with all members of the families!! Everyone is totally supportive and excited for us, and I feel a huge weight off my shoulders. It is so hard to keep a secret this big!

This time around, I was able to tell some people in person… My mom and brother were already here for Christmas, so they heard in person. Phone call to my dad, who spread word to the rest of our fam. Ryan’s entire fam heard in person, because they were all in town for their annual Christmas party. Several friends got funny, randomly dropped into conversation, announcements, and a few got a calls and texts. It’s been interestingly more sensitive the third time around. With EK, we were so excited we had to share the fastest way… Phone calls all around!

How did y’all tell your loved ones about your pregnancies? In person? Phone call? Cutesie announcement? Party? Low-key lunch date? Accidentally?! I want to hear the story!

Accidental Announcement

A couple of days ago, when I posted for My Big Jesus, I sneakily (and accidentally) interjected a little announcement about myself… and my growing family!

We are expecting our third baby this July!!!

I know. That was a lackluster announcement. Sorry, third baby. I promise I will do something cool for you when you’re born, since I missed the opportunity to announce your presence a little more excitingly.

So there ya go! I’m 12 weeks today! Hello, second trimester! I’ve been feeling great (albeit exhausted) and super excited (albeit busy with life in general) about planning for and meeting another youngun into our home. I’ve also been working a little something for the blog ever since I found out I was pregnant…

I’ve been working on a miniseries (that wasn’t how it started, but that’s how it’s turned out!) about the first trimester of my pregnancy. I didn’t want to put it on the blog when we found out (at four weeks – holy moly!) but I did want to write about it. So over the next week, I’ll be posting the things I wrote about for the first few weeks I knew I was pregnant! I hope you enjoy reading about the first trimester of my little fig’s life (that’s how big the baby is right now. I’ve never actually seen a fig, so I don’t know what it means.) and how I’ve been coping with the decaf coffee and lack of sushi. I’ll even start posting bump photos, once I’m out of the “Did she just have a big lunch?” phase and into the “Aww, how far along are you?!” phase.

Anyone else out there prego? How far along are YOU?!